Astana Gas Service Announces Cease of Licenses
OREANDA-NEWS. March 16, 2012. JSC "Astana Gas Service" (Astana), whose shares are officially listed at Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has by an official letter informed KASE of the following, reported the press-centre of KASE:
... we inform you of a cease of validity of state licenses entitling to the following types of activities:
- "Operation of gas storage facilities",
- "Operation of systems for gasification of residential and communal facilities".
In the mentioned letter it is also said "of the receipt of a statement of claim from the public prosecutor of district "Almaty" of Astana in favor of JSC "Astana-Finance" to recover debts amounting to KZT289,641,644 (two hundred eighty nine million six hundred forty one thousand six hundred forty four)".