Export of Ukrainian Food Products Grows
OREANDA-NEWS. March 16, 2012. Last year, the export of agricultural products and the food industry products amounted to more than 13 billion UAH. This was announced by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Bezuglyi at a briefing in the Government House.
Of these, the final food products (it is not raw, but those are produced by food processing industry) have been exported to amount of more than 7.4 billion UAH. And this is 56% of exports. For example, Ukraine exported confectionery to over 1 billion UAH in 2011. Thus, foreign trade balance is positive and makes about 24 billion UAH. (3 billion USD) and continues to grow.
"We have been exporting our products to dozens countries of the world, and by such indicators as vegetable oils and products from them, our country occupies the first place in the world and exports them to 56 countries," emphasized Mykola Bezuglyi.
This, according to the First Deputy Minister, is evidence of high quality of food products of Ukrainian origin. He also stressed that among the large list of countries, the number of claims to our producers comes down to small isolated cases. At the briefing there was mentioned that the quality of Ukrainian production makes it possible to export products manufactured in Ukraine: sunflower oil - up to 85%, confectionary - up to 50%, margarine and similar products - 20% and up to 20% of dairy products.