NBM: Loan Interest Rates Are Still Declining & May Be Less than 10%
OREANDA-NEWS. March 14, 2012. Loan interest ratea are still declining and may be less than 10% in 3 to 5 years, - Dorin Dragutanu. Acccording to the president of NBM, the bank is working hard to reach and keep the inflation rate at 5%.
If the National Bank succeeds in this in the medium term prospect, loans interests for individuals may be less than 10% in 3 to 5 years. According to Dorin Dragutanu, loan rate are declining today and have reached their all-time minimum. “We reach good results as clients ask for interest rates lower than 14-16%. Rates at 28% have been left far in the past. We are very content but it’s time to move forward”, Dorin Dragutanu has said.
In this context the very promising institution is the Bureau of Credit Reputations. It started working I 2011 and has to assist clients by making loans and interest rates more available and more affordable for them. A bank will be ready to issue a new loan to an individual or a legal entity if they justify that they sink their debts irreproachably by a certificate issued by the Bureau of Credit Reputations.