OREANDA-NEWS. March 06, 2012. The loan has been given for 5 years. There has been an agreement to increase the credit line when new projects appear. The funds are to be allotted to back projects by small and medium –sized regional enterprises to increase work places, improve working environment, upgrade productions, purchase equipments, etc.

At least 250 thou. euros will be allocated to the agricultural sector to purchase processing equipments, to build storehouses and freezers to store fruit and vegetables, etc. Angela Gladei, general director of Total Leasing has said this loan is not the first one to be given to the company by international finance organizations and the company can share the great experience in this field. OIKO CREDIT is a socially oriented organization which provides companies and financial institutions all over the world with funds for them to back small and medium businesses in regions. Funds are not available to develop tobacco and alcohol producing companies.

The investment portfolio of OIKO CREDIT amounts to 472 mln. euros. Thanks to the company, over 29,3 mln. people were backed worldwide. Total Leasing is the first leasing company in Moldova with 100% foreign capital. It was founded in 2006. The company’s authorized capital amounts to 38,99 mln. leis. Its leasing portfolio has made 9,9 mln. euros as of the end of 2011, 44,4% up within the year. The company serves legal entities and individuals which are presented in the portfolio in equal parts approximately.

The company’s products embrace leasing of cars, property, equipment and even circulating assets. Within 6 years Total Leasing was given funds by 5 international finance organizations and banks. It was twice financed by DEG, 5 mln. euros each time, lent 5 mln. euros by FMO, 1,5 mln. euros by EBRD, 2,5 mln. euros by EELF/Raiffeisen and 0,4 mln. euros by ProCredit Bank.