RSE AISCP Announces Production performance in February 2012
OREANDA-NEWS. March 05, 2012. In February of current year, RSE "AISCP" transshipped 852.8 thousand tons of dry and oil-bulk cargo, what came up to 97,6% of the target, including:
Oil-bulk cargo – 609.9 thousand tons;
Metal products – 82.8 thousand tons;
Ferry cargoes – 76.1 thousand tons;
Grain – 58.6 thousand tons;
Other cargoes – 25.5 thousand tons;
Number of ships’ calls – 153.
Since the beginning of 2011 "Aktau International Sea Commercial Port" has handled over 1 million 892 thousand tons of dry and oil-bulk cargo, what came to 101.8 % of the target.
Moreover total transshipment of crude oil and oil products came to 1 million 272.6 thousand tons, dry cargoes 619.6 thousand tons, including transshipment of metal products – 222.6 thousand tons, other cargoes – 47.5 thousand tons, grain – 111 thousand tons. The volume of ferry transportations came up to 283.5 thousand tons.
Number of ships’ calls since the beginning of 2011 is 377.