Yenisei TGC Launched Repairs Program for 2012
OREANDA-NEWS. February 28, 2012. The repairs program of JSC Yenisei TGC (TGC-13) for 2012 has been approved of. In accordance with the current year program, 8 turbine units, 8 turbine generators, 15 boiler units, and 2 water boilers are subject to capital and medium repair.
While drawing the program, special attention was paid to the most problematic issue affecting reliability of equipment operation, which is the replacement of boiler heating surfaces. In 2012, it is planned to replace 1,203.03 tons of boiler heating surfaces. The largest volumes of replacements are planned to be carried out at Nazarovo GRES (553.1 t), Krasnoyarsk CHP-1 (174.9 t), Krasnoyarsk CHP-2 (194.6 t). The amount of worn out heating networks replacement is to be
At the moment, works are in progress for capital repair of the boiler and current repair of the turbine unit at Krasnoyarsk CHP-1, and current repairs of two boiler units of Nazarovo GRES have been completed.
The bulk of works for equipment and heating networks repair will be traditionally performed during the non-heating season.