OREANDA-NEWS. February 22, 2012. Power engineers of IDGC of Centre properly presented the Company at the Fourth All-Russian Winter Sport Event of Power Engineers of distribution grid complex. The hard going competition lasted two among swimmers, skiers, chess players and tennis players — power engineers of thirteen operating companies of IDGC Holding and executive office of the company.

In the ski relay athletes of IDGC of Centre were the third. The Company was represented by Specialist of Tverenergo Yelizaveta Kostrova, Engineer of Bryanskenergo Galina Kharitonova, Employee of Smolenskenergo Sergey Potapov and Specialist of Bryanskenergo Pavel Tsykunov.

In the individual competition in 10 km ski racing in the age group older than 35 years the second place was taken by Sergey Potapov. In the same category for women at 5 km racing the silver medal was taken by Galina Kharitonova. Pavel Tsykunov won the bronze medal at 10 km in the age category below 35 years.

Good results were demonstrated by athletes-power engineers of IDGC of Centre also in swimming: Specialist of Voronezhenergo Oleg Tsvetkovsky took third place in the hundred-meter race for men older than 35 years, and Margarita Zaitseva, also an employee of the Voronezh branch, won a bronze medal at 50 meters race for women older than 35 years.

In non-competitive discipline — inspection of power lines in virgin snow conditions — the winner was Master of Section for the operation of cable lines of Smolensk District of Electrical Networks of Smolenskenergo Sergey Potapov.

“Our athletes have shown good results in sports competitions of IDGC Holding. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, corporate sports events — an important part of the social work carried out in IDGC of Centre. I am sure that looking at the success of our colleagues in competitions of the nationwide level, many employees of IDGC of Centre will also want to have a try at a sport event”, — noted HR Director — Head of HR and organizational design Department of IDGC of Centre Alexander Lyaskin.