Expert RA Confirmed Reliability Rating of Group Mezhregiongarant
OREANDA-NEWS. February 17, 2012. The rating agency Expert RA rating is confirmed Insurance Group Mezhregiongarant (Salekhard) at a high level of reliability rating outlook stable.
Positive impact on the final rating of Mezhregiongaranta have a high current ratio and a significant deviation of the actual size of the regulatory solvency margin, as well as low values of the net loss ratio and combined ratio net loss.
Among the negative factors were classified as extremely high rates of growth of premiums. Also, do not allow you to assign a higher rating, factors such as low capital adequacy ratio, a high proportion of the value of accounts receivable in the assets and the ratio of accounts payable to total assets, as well as the loss ratio above the market average value and a negative technical result of LCA.