Sea Port of St. Petersburg Spent over RUB 45 mln in Social Programmes
OREANDA-NEWS. February 14, 2012. In 2011 JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” transferred over 45.7 mln rubles for the implementation of social projects.
Major part of the funds was transferred for rendering of financial assistance to the port workers, including single mothers and families with many children as well as to the former employees of the company.
Within the reporting period the company performed traditional quarterly payments to the non-working pensioners-port veterans, including veterans of labor and participants of Great Patriotic War; heroes of anniversaries and active members of Veteran’s Council. Apart from quarterly payments the former port workers receive additional payments on public holidays and anniversaries.
Port workers also receive bonuses on holidays and on jubilees.
In order to provide the social support to the employees in the company target fund was arranged. Main part of this fund was used to reimburse expenses for treatment and vacation for port workers and their children in 2011.
Within the period of 23 years JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” has rendered assistance to orphanage No.10 of Kirovskiy district. In 2011 the company transferred some funds for the renovation of the living premises of this orphanage and for arrangement of the holidays for the orphanage children.