Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant Successfully Passed Recertification Audit
OREANDA-NEWS. February 14, 2012. KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT, part of Metinvest Group, has successfully passed the recertification audit of the Quality management system for compliance with the requirements of API Spec Q1 standard and the products for compliance with the requirements of API Spec 5L and API Spec 2B standards. The period of validity of the licence was prolonged till July, 2014.
During performance of the audit at PJSC KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT the functioning of Quality management system processes as well as compliance with the specified requirements during production, testing and storing of the finished products was checked. When visiting the production shops the auditors drew their attention to the high results that were achieved by the plant due to implementation of the new management conception Lean enterprise, that is work places organization in the effective way.
KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT is the pioneer among Metinvest Group companies which started to realize the Lean enterprise program that ensures the permanent competitive advantage without making significant investments. Currently three Lean enterprise tools are successfully implemented at the plant: 5S, TPM and SMED.
We remind that KHARTSYZSK PIPE is the first company among pipe enterprises in the CIS which in 1993 received the License of the American Petroleum Institute (API) giving it the right to apply the monogram of the institute onto the products produced in accordance with the requirements of API 5L, API 2B Specifications and API Specification for Q1 quality program.
According to the audit results, the American Petroleum Institute confirmed the ability of PJSC KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT to produce the products in accordance with API 5L and API 2B Specifications requirements. In 2011 the plant manufactured more than 120 thousand tons of pipes as per the requirements of the Specifications.
Renewal of the license as per API standards will permit to keep the confidence on the part of consumers and partners and will facilitate the further raise of reputation of PJSC KHARTSYZSK PIPE of Metinvest Group as a manufacturer of high quality products, Iurii Zinchenko, Director General of PJSC KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT, has said.