Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant Completed Capital Repair
OREANDA-NEWS. February 14, 2012. At KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT, a part of Metinvest Group, a planned capital repair of the shops’ major equipment is completed. It took place within the framework of an integrated program of continuous improvement, reconstruction and modernization of production processes. The total investment volume amounted to approximately UAH 18 mln.
The capital repair of the equipment at PJSC KHARTSYZSK PIPE has been made without stopping the production process that is by the distributed method. Replacement of the parts and components has been performed during the planned preventive maintenance. 33 sites have been totally repaired at the plant.
Hydromechanical expanders No 2 and No 4, the plate-bending machine No 1, plate edge milling machine No 1, X-Ray TV inspection units No 5 and No 7, unit for rings cutting have been repaired at PEWSh-2. The following activities were conducted at PWSh-4: extruders No 2, No 3, outer shot blasting machines No 5, No 6, the air drying unit, pump-and-accumulator station No 2 have been repaired, the crane rail of the aisle K-L has been replaced. At the Power shop the oil circuit breakers 110-V-215 have been replaced in the main lower sub-station-2 and the transformer substation 45 has been repaired. The railway track of Inzhenernaya station has been repaired in the Railway shop.
The main emphasis of the maintenance activities is made on the increase of economic effectiveness and maintainability of the equipment. Completion of the capital repairs at the enterprise leads to increase of economic effectiveness of the current production and ensures high consumer properties of the output products , Alexander Levchenko, Engineering Director of PJSC KHARTSYZSK PIPE, has said.