Grindeks Takes Part in Two EU-Funded Competence Centres
OREANDA-NEWS. February 10, 2012. JSC Grindeks informs that the Company takes part in two EU-funded competence centres – “Pharma and Chemistry Competence Centre” and “Environment, Bioenergetics and Biotechnology Competence Centre”.
Grindeks is one of the founders of “Pharma and Chemistry Competence Centre” and one of the funders of the Centre’s research program. The Centre has launched international studies that are significant fort he pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
Chairman of the Board of JSC Grindeks Juris Bundulis: “Without this Centre our ability to develop new medications would be reduced, and the winner would be no one – neither the company nor the patients. “Pharma and Chemistry Competence Centre” is valuable not only as a research-friendly organization, but also proves that for the pharmaceutical companies in Latvia it is advantageous to cooperate in the conquest of international markets and certain competencies are more advantageous to unite rather than to maintain them in each company separately.”
Grindeks is a co-funder of “Environment, Bioenergetics and Biotechnology Competence Centre” and last October in cooperation with the Latvian scientific organizations it launched a study on the pharmaceutical industry wastewater biological treatment efficiency by using specific microbial communities. The study aims to find and implement effective chemically contaminated wastewater biological treatment methods, which includes both optimization of existing systems and new, unique solution application. It is planned that the obtained experienceand knowledge will provide science-based recommendations also for other Latvian and foreign companies on how the application of selected microbial groups improves the degradation of target compounds in industrial effluents.
Chairman of the Board of JSC Grindeks Juris Bundulis: “Environmental pollution reduction measures are becoming increasingly important worldwide, including
The EU-funded Competence Centres Program was recently suspended, thus creating uncertainty, if and how the planned studies will be continued.
Chairman of the Board of JSC Grindeks Juris Bundulis: “Judging from the information at my disposal, the Ministry of Finance of