Kreditprombank Offers Discount for Safe Boxes
OREANDA-NEWS. February 01, 2012. In the season of winter holidays Kreditprombank offers the users of individual deposit safe boxes to take care of their valuables and to take part in promotional event "Safe box in KPB - 2012% of safety", reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.
According to its terms each customer who to 28 March, 2012 (inclusive) will open rent of the bank safe box for the term from 181 days, gets the discount in amount of 50% of the rent cost of safe box!
In addition, all participants of the promo event will get guaranteed pleasant souvenirs from Kreditprombank that may be useful for them during holidays or voyages.
After opening the rent of individual safe box you may quietly mind your business, travel for holidays or in a trip, as the bank will take care of the safety of your valuables under the most advantageous and profitable for you conditions.