Rakurs Supplied New Automation for Modernized Turbine
OREANDA-NEWS. January 26, 2012. Modernized Т-110/120-130 turbine manufactured by Ural Turbine Works CJSC, equipped with a modern regulation and protection system, has been successfully put into operation. Т-110/120-130 turbine, Novosibirsk HPP-4 station No. 8 (Siberian Energetic Company, OJSC) has been renovated with the purpose of the recourse extension as well as improving of technical, economic and operational rates.
Forming of steam turbine regulation and protection signals is performing by hardware and software complex of electric part of regulating and protecting system for steam turbine manufactured by SPC Rakurs. The hardware and software complex is designed for operation in accordance with defined by turbine manufacturer algorithms in both normal and emergency operating conditions, including initiation, turn, idle mode, synchronization, operation under load, load drop and emergency stop.
The hardware and software complex of electric part of regulating and protecting system has been designed by SPC Rakurs based on hardware and software complex Apogey, ТУ4252-003-27462912-04.
Electric part of regulating and protecting system is a three-tier distributed control system based on programmable logic controllers and computer equipment.
This is a standard solution among SPC Rakurs products.