Rakurs Started-up New Level of Zagorskaya PSHPP Hydro Units Control
OREANDA-NEWS. January 26, 2012. Control system for Zagorskaya PSHPP hydro unit No. 3 has been put into operation by the beginning of 2012. Control system start-up has completed a complex of works on modernization of automated control systems for Zagorskaya PSHPP (a branch of Rushydro OJSC) hydro units No. 1 – 6, having started in 2006. SPC Rakurs was selected a contractor for designing, manufacturing, assembly, start-up and adjustment of automated control system software and hardware complexes for Zagorskaya PSHPP hydro units.
A long and very strained stage of Zagorskaya PSHPP hydro units control system modernization has been completed. It has been a transition to absolutely new level of equipment control for the plant, giving extra opportunities for creative approach in the work today and in the future.
The scope of work includes:
· Preprokect site examination;
· Designing of technical specification for hydro unit automated control system and modernization of hydromechanical columns of hydroelectric unit;
· Working out of hydro units control algorithms;
· Working out of draft project of SCADA level and unit local control systems including project documentation for system’s field level;
· Hardware and software complex manufacturing and delivery;
· Supply of control equipment and cable products;
· Hydromechanical column delivery and assembly;
· Disassembly of old equipment and assembly of new ones;
· Start-up and adjustment;
· Personnel training.
During five years SPC Rakurs has been sequentially replaced automated control systems of all units.