UVK Announced another Value-Added Service
OREANDA-NEWS. January 24, 2012. Since recently UVK company offers its Customers another value-added service – a guaranteed return of goods hand-over documents (apart from cargo delivery confirmation papers) aimed at acceleration and simplification of document flow between suppliers, distribution companies and retailers
The advantages of this new service are:
A guaranteed timely receipt of required documents issued by the Consignor (consignment bill, warranty, expenditure bill)
The Consignor receives a documented confirmation of the fact of physical delivery and hand-over of goods
Saving on time and labor resources of the Consignor’s company (logistics managers / accountants / sales people)
Focus of the Consignor’s management on a core business
Guaranteed return of the commercial documents means a timely occurrence of a due payment to be made by the Consignee
An easier and more efficient method to control document flow
Minimal costs aimed at ensuring return of accounts receivable
Within the evolution of this service UVK has installed special branded boxes at the consignees’ acceptance points (primarily, grocery retailers) across
UVK’s freight forwarding managers take out the collected documents on a daily basis, to be then delivered to the Consignors directly
This service is presently believed quite urgent for suppliers, as the latter are normally to deliver their goods to retailers nation-wide, while due payments are often deterred by the retailers.
Besides, this is a good solution for trading companies with no own representatives in the regions.
As a result, documents flow much faster and easier, which positively impacts on a cash flow between a supplier / distributor and a retailer.