OREANDA-NEWS. January 24, 2012. Ingosstrakh Insurance Company paid around 4.5 mln. rubles to OJSC Kampoferma situated in Moscow Region due to death of pigs.

Pigs’ population of 32,240 heads was insured from death and emergency slaughter for the total sum of 197 mln. rubles. The insured event was animals’ mortality due to illness which killed 1,918 pigs. The event was deemed insured and Ingosstrakh Insurance Company paid the indemnity to the agricultural enterprise in accordance with the terms of the contract. It needs to be mentioned that in June 2011, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company paid 3.5 mln. rubles to the agricultural enterprise as indemnity for the loss due to death of pigs.

Ingosstrakh Insurance Company and OJSC Kampoferma have been cooperating in the field of agro-industrial insurance through OJSC Insurance Broker INTERIS since 2009.