OREANDA-NEWS. January 23, 2012. An Installation License (LI # 10/12) has been issued by State of Maranhao Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMAMA) to the natural gas production and outflow venture developed by OGX Maranhao, an OGX and MPX joint venture, in the fields of Gaviao Real and Gaviao Azul, in the Parnaiba Basin. The document is part of the environmental licensing of the venture that will produce and treat the natural gas that will be supplied to the Parnaiba Thermoelectric Complex, which is now being built in the region. Currently, Complex contracted capacity has already reached 1.5 GW and highlights the synergies existing between OGX and MPX.
The construction works of the Gas Treatment Unit (UTG, acronym in Portuguese) close to the UTE Parnaiba, in the municipality of Santo Antonio dos Lopes, are scheduled to start in a few weeks. This UTG will treat produced gas to remove liquids and to filter and warm the gas to bring it to the required specifications. The total investment allocated to this venture (facilities) will amount to approximately USD 110 million.
Gas production is planned to start in the second semester of 2012, and could reach 6 million cubic meters per day of natural gas. This volume means doubling Brazilian onshore natural gas production.