Grain Production in Azerbaijan Rose by 25% in 2011
OREANDA-NEWS. January 16, 2012. Following 2011 yield of cereal production in Azerbaijan totaled 25.4 centners per hectare against 20,7 centners/hectares in 2010.
Agricultural Ministry of Azerbaijan reports that altogether 2.458.500 tons of cereal crops were produced in 2011 which is by 23% more than in 2010. Besides 1.641.028 tons of grain were produced in 2011 against 1.308.848 tons a year earlier (rise by 25.4% per year ). The sown area of cereals totaled 967.338 hectares.
Also 65.317 tons of cotton were collected in 2011. Last year cotton production rose by 70.9% against 2010 (38.216 tons).