OREANDA-NEWS. January 12, 2012. Nikolay Tokarev, the President of Transneft JSC, held negotiations with Mikhail Spinellis, an Ambassador of Greece in the Russian Federation, concerning the situation which arose after the Bulgarian Government announced its withdrawal from the Intergovernmental agreement on the Burgas-Aleksandrupolis oil pipeline system building. The parties came to an agreement that a supervisory council of Trans-Balkan Pipeline B.V. (TBP), that is the operator of the oil pipeline mounting, should be held in February 2012, instead of the council on December 14th, which failed because of Bulgarian Government manifests. These debates were also assisted by Stratus Eftimiyu, the 1st secretary of the Embassy of Greece in the Russian Federation, and Mikhail Barkov, the vice-president of Transneft Joint-stock company.