OREANDA-NEWS. January 12, 2012. By results of December, 2011 the aggregate volume of Kreditprom’s retail customers deposits increased almost by UAH 76.2 MIL. Each fifth depositor is a new customer of the bank. The percentage of deposit extensions steadily exceeds 70%, reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.

The inflow of deposits is promoted by various promotional events carried out by Kreditprombank. Those depositors for whom it is important to have the prompt access to their funds the bank offers promotional term deposit "Score Ten Over". The interest rates on it make 8.5% per annum in UAH, 6% - in USD and 5% - in EUR. The minimal amount of deposit is UAH 1000 or USD/EUR 200.

The deposit is opened for the term in 10 days, however it may be automatically extended. The customer has the possibility to replenish his/her deposit during its whole term or extended term. The minimal amount of replenishment makes UAH 500 or USD/EUR 100. Each 30 days the amount of interest rate increases by 0.5% for deposits placed in national currency, 0.3% - for deposits in USD and 0.2% - in EUR. The interest payment on deposit is performed at the end of each deposit term that is each 10 days.

Those depositors who intend to gain the maximum profit may take part in holiday campaign "Shchedrivka-2012". According to its terms the customers of the bank who until 29 February, 2012 inclusive place term deposits "Classic", "Premium" or "Specific", will get guaranteed bonus to the basic rate. The maximum rate in the framework of the campaign makes up to 25% per annum.