Orenburg Branch of Ingosstrakh Concluded Contracts on Birds Insurance
OREANDA-NEWS. January 3, 2012. The Orenburg Branch of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company has concluded agreement for poultry insurance with Ural Broiler CJSC and Orenburg Broiler CJSC. The total sum insured for the two agreements amounts to over 232 mln. rubles.
According to the agreement with Ural Broiler CJSC, more than 114 thousand hens have been insured. The agreement with Orenburg Broiler CJSC provides for the insurance of over 2.5 mln. young stock hens.
In accordance with the general terms of poultry insurance under the agreements, risks of loss and emergency slaughter of poultry resulting from hazardous natural phenomena or natural calamities, infectious, non-contagious and parasitic diseases, malicious and unlawful acts of third parties, fire or lightning strike, explosion, and accidents have been insured.
The birds insured are pledged property of