Customer of Kreditprombank Is among Winners of Promotional Event
OREANDA-NEWS. December 29, 2011. By results of the second drawing of prizes from the international payment system Visa International that had place in the framework of the promo event "Pay with Visa card and you will like it", the customer of Donbaska branch of Kreditprombank Serhii Kvaskov became one of the winners. As a reminder, according to the terms of the campaign each holder of the payment card Visa/Visa Electron issued by Kreditprombank, gets the opportunity to win money prizes in amount of UAH 500. For this you should only until 31 January, 2012 (inclusive) pay with the card for goods and services in retail chains, terminals, ATMs and via Internet (including replenishment of cell phone account, payment for utilities) in any, even minimal amount.
Each cashless transaction performed with Visa card takes part in the drawing. The more purchases you pay with Visa card during the period of promo event, the higher are your chances for victory. Pay with Visa card and you will surely like it!
The drawings of prizes take place monthly during the whole period of the promotional event. You can find the results of each drawing at the website of the international payment system Visa International.
You can get detailed information on terms of promotional event upon applying to the Information Centre by phone number: 0 800 507 909, or at the corporate website of the bank.
Kreditprombank is a principal participant of the international payment system Visa International. Only for the third quarter of 2011 the issuing turnover on payment cards Visa made almost UAH 2 BIL.