NSD Conducts Research to Measure Customers Satisfaction
OREANDA-NEWS. December 28, 2011. National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia's only settlement depository servicing the full range of debt and equity securities of Russian issuers, has summed up results of its first research focused on its customers' satisfaction level. The research's purpose was to assess whether a quality of the company's services meets the customers' requirements and to reveal key factors for improvement.
Among more than 300 survey's participants were representatives of NSD's clients: issuers, securities/ cash settlements participants. In accordance with the study's methodology based on ISO9001, the level of the clients' satisfaction was measured on basis of 20 criteria indicated by the clients as more significant during their previous interactions with NSD. Pursuant to the methodology, 80-85% satisfaction index is estimated as a high level, and 85% index and more means a very high level of satisfaction.
The current average index of satisfaction of NSD clients with the company's services amounted to 84.6%.
Eddie Astanin, Chairman of the Executive Board, NSD, commenting on results of the research, said: "We assume that knowledge of our clients' satisfaction level is very important. After the factors having an impact on this indicator in 2011 were uncovered, we would keep improving them. Among such aspects of our operations may be, for instance, the services' convenience and quality, as well as the company's tariff policy and speed of transactions. The results of the research are to be incorporated in the NSD's balanced scorecard system for better controlling our improvements made in line with the customers' requirements."
The customers' satisfaction index study has been conducted with the assistance of ACG Moscow and the National Agency for Financial Studies (NAFI).