Chairman of Management Board of Kreditprombank Gives Interview
OREANDA-NEWS. December 16, 2011. In opinion of the Chairman of the Management Board of Kreditprombank Viktor Leonidov, expressed in the interview to business weekly "InvestGazeta", the financial sector actually is one of those three (along with agrarian and industrial complex and metallurgy) that are the most attractive for investors into economical segments, reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.
"The inflow of capital in this sphere is mainly connected with increase of the charter capital of the Ukrainian subsidiaries of foreign banks. However, as you understand, nobody will invest into certainly unpromising sector. And the fact that the leading foreign financial institutions remain in the market is a positive signal both for the banking system and for the domestic economy as a whole", - thinks Viktor Leonidov.
According to him, the negative trends were stopped and the banking system shows growth, although a moderate one, of main financial indicators. At the same time, the serious problems related to toxic assets and limited access to the funding sources remain.
"In perspective we should expect for consolidation and amalgamation of the domestic banking sector due to mergers and acquisitions, abandonment of the market by weak players. The sector will be formed by large banks having access to relatively cheap resources and possibility to increase their capital", - notes Viktor Leonidov. - "The largest rates of assets growth will be shown by the banks of the 1st group. Their share in assets of the banking system of the country until 2015 may exceed 70%".
The Chairman of the Management Board of Kreditprombank also forecasted the further increase of the share of foreign capital, first of all, o the Russian one. "Russian banks have come for long and with serious intentions. For this they have actually all the necessary resources", - he notes.