KICB Offers to Customer New Service
OREANDA-NEWS. December 14, 2011. We appreciate personal time of our customers and offer to use the service “CARD EX” to perform money transfers (in on-line mode) from one banking card to another through the KICB ATM network, reported the press-centre of KICB.
To perform such a transfer, it is only necessary for sender to know the number of recipients’ banking card. The transfer is possible between the cardholders of VISA KICB payment cards or Elcard payment cards issued by commercial banks of Kyrgyz Republic.
If you’re already the cardholder of VISA KICB payment card – Start using the given service right now! If not – then you can simply fill out the application form for VISA KICB payment card in any branch of KICB. For this procedure all that you need is a valid passport. We invite you into the world of possibilities, which VISA KICB offers you!
Transfers are possible to perform in Kyrgyz soms only.
Funds which were transferred from one payment card to another are accessible to recipient in real time, i.e. straight after the transaction was made.