Maximum Interest Rates on Deposits with Sviaz-Bank Reach 9%
OREANDA-NEWS. December 12, 2011. On November 21, 2011, Sviaz-Bank raised interest rates on time deposits it accepts in rubles. It will now pay a maximum interest rate of 9% per annum on the Savings (Sberegatel’ny) Reserve deposit, one of the most popular options, or 1.45% above the previous interest rate.
Higher interest rates will be paid on all ruble-denominated deposits of the current line for individuals. The customers will receive a maximum annual interest of 8.03% and 7.49%, including interest capitalization (7.8% and 7% less capitalization), on their Add-On (Popolnyaemy) Reserve and Managed (Upravlyaemy) Reserve deposits.
The VIP Reserve deposit for affluent customers will pay up to 8.41% per annum, including capitalization. The interest rate on special-purpose 13th Pension (Trinadtsataya pensiya) deposits may reach 8.46% per annum, including capitalization.
The special-purpose Bring a Friend (Privedi druga) deposit option is still in effect. It pays an additional 0.25% interest on the interest rate payable on the time deposit account opened with the Bank for each of a customer’s friends who opens a time deposit account with the Bank.