IDGC Holding Looks Forward to Effective Offers from Manufacturers
OREANDA-NEWS. December 5, 2011. Nikolay Shvets, Director General of IDGC Holding JSC, took part in the opening ceremony.
IDGC Holding’s press conference was the first event of the exhibition. Answering questions from the press, Boris Mekhanoshin, Deputy Director General ¬ Technical Director at IDGC Holding, talked about highlights of the year. They included the new technical policy, developed and adopted within the company as a message for manufacturers of advanced electrical equipment, and a great number of power facilities that were commissioned. Answering the question about their designing, Boris Mekhanoshin said, "We are interested in making all projects typical and finding the most low-cost and reliable solutions. We want to build a long-term relationship with manufacturers."
The participants of Innovation Potential of Russian Distribution Grid Facilities Business Forum, held within the exhibition, discussed the issue of renovating existing facilities and increasing their utilization rates.
According to Nikolay Shvets, IDGC Holding Director General , making systematic efforts is essential in the innovation field. At IDGC Holding, there is a scientific technical council, a research-engineering centre, which has been recently created and is starting to work; and, in implementing the Innovation Development Programme, IDGC Holding has established relations with design organizations, electrical manufacturers, research and higher education institutions, and businesses.
Building networks based on high voltage transmission lines including shorter distances from users to transformers via 0.4 kV OHL will facilitate efficiency improvement and reduce operational costs. In case of big cities, short-circuit limiters can be used efficiently.
At the same time, "upgrading infrastructure must be done while simultaneously cheapening emergency recovery operations," Boris Mekhanoshin emphasized.
Dmitry Pankov, Director for Strategy, Development and Innovation at IDGC Holding, took the floor in the second session of the business forum. His speech on introducing an asset management system aroused much interest among session participants. The date your equipment was put into operation is not the only criterion when you decide whether to replace it, Dmitry Pankov said in his speech. While taking the date into account, you should also consider actual condition by using information technologies that help determine equipment condition indices. IDGC of Centre has become the pilot testing area for the approach.