Heavy-Duty Vehicle and Engine Manufacturers Call for Cooperation
OREANDA-NEWS. December 2, 2011. European, North American, and Japanese heavy-duty vehicle and engine manufacturers call for global cooperation. The chief executives of more than ten world’s leading truck and engine manufacturers of heavy-duty commercial trucks and engines held their ninth meeting in Tokyo in order to discuss key issues facing their industry, including fuel efficiency improvements, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, diesel fuel specifications, and issues related to heavy-duty engine and vehicle regulation and certification.
The industry leaders agreed on the need for global cooperation in expanding the worldwide heavy-duty emissions certification procedure (WHDC), for further discussions on diesel fuel specifications including bio components, to promote global harmonization of heavy-duty hybrid certification procedures and stronger administrative function in support of the activities of the Global Commercial Vehicle Industry Meeting.
According to Mr. Takeuchi, President of UD Trucks Corporation and Chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association’s Heavy Vehicle Committee, the best approach to reach the GHG reductions is for governments and industry to work together.