OREANDA-NEWS. November 29, 2011. On November, 24 within the scope of his visit to Karelia, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev had a working meeting with Head of the republic Andrei Nelidov. At the meeting they discussed issues of development of the region, to the main of which was the forthcoming global gasification of Karelia. In presence of Dmitry Medvedev Head of Karelia Andrei Nelidov and Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller have signed a contract for expanding gas supply areas in Karelia.
The сontract with Gazprom has became a key event of the international forum Investments in the Future that has opened in Petrozavodsk on November, 24. As Andrey Nelidov has mentioned: "Within the framework of the forum we've signed a global agreement with Gazprom. This is the contract that Karelia had had never before. It provides complete gasification of Karelia in the next 5-6 years."
Head of Karelia has specified, that today the level of gasification of the republic is estimated to make about 7%. Cooperation with Gazprom will allow to change this situation radically, will create prerequisites in the republic for development of new power capacities, and above all will allow to cut down heating tariffs for the population.
In the President’s presence, Andrei Nelidov and Alexei Miller signed the contract between the Republic of Karelia and Gazprom. Dmitry Medvedev has confirmed importance of the signed document: "Indeed, considering the level of gasification of Karelia this agreement is extremely important."
Alexei Miller has told about specific plans of construction of gas mains in Karelia: "As for our immediate prospects, this is Northern Ladoga Lakeside. It is a very perspective region for further economic development of the republic. For the year 2012 in our plans of Gazprom we are stipulating investments to create new facilities for the trunk gas pipeline. And the program of gasification which now we will be developing with the republic in details for 2012 on the basis of the signed contract will, of course, provide gasification of new regions of the republic."
"There is no doubt that the intermediate term prospect is very encouraging. Indeed, we may expect that within 5-6 years we will be able to achieve aproximately 80% level of gasification of the republic," – Alexei Miller has added.
The Government of Karelia will also bring its contribution to the process of converting the regions to gas. To use Alexei Miller's expression: "Gasification is a process with two-way traffic. It not only investments of Gazprom, but also the investment from the sub-federal unit." Proper funds will be provided in the budget of the region.
The second but no less important component of cooperation between Karelia and Gazprom will be construction of sports and recreation complexes in each region of the republic using the funds of the company. Alexei Miller has told about details of this social project: "Within the scope of your visit today we have come to the agreement with the Republic of Karelia on construction of a functional sports complex with a skating arena in Petrozavodsk. The complex will be open to all city dwellers and inhabitants of the republic. It will provide an opportunity of go in for such as track and field athletics, volleyball, basketball and hockey."
According to Alexei Miller, in regions of Karelia Gazprom will also construct sports objects: "The decision was made that Gazprom will finance construction of multipurpose athletic fields in each region of the republic. They will provide an opportunity to play basketball, volleyball, football and hockey in winter. They have universal surfacing. In the nearest one and a half years we will follow through on this program."
Head of Karelia Andrei Nelidov who held negotiations with Gazprom personally, on behalf of citizens of the republic has thanked Alexei Miller for decisions made on assistance to development of Karelia.
Dmitry Medvedev has supported social initiatives of Gazprom in the region: "When these social and sports objects are put in operation, it will be a very good step for the republic."
Returning to the subject of the discussion which was the forthcoming gasification of Karelia, President Dmitry Medvedev has summed up the meeting: "It is necessary to complete all these issues and create essentially new conditions for life. You've got all the resources for this purpose, you're planning a corresponding part of co-financing in the budget. You should not begrudge this money. We understand that it will change lives both in small towns, in the countryside, and in Petrozavodsk."
Besides, the President has asked Andrei Nelidov to tell what is done to improve Karelia's investment prospects and creation of new workplaces. "I would like to know what has been done lately to improve Karelia's investment prospects, as your northern republic is beautiful and it has certain investment potential," - head of the state has told addressing to Head of Karelia.
Andrei Nelidov has told the President about new enterprises launched in Karelia this year. Among them there's a unique factory Yagoda Karelii (Berry of Karelia) Ltd for advanced processing of wild and garden berries, a pig fattening complex able to hold 12 thousand heads a year that has allowed to double the livestock population of pigs in the republic. Besides, the agreement with Russian Sea Group providing investment into development ot trout-breeding in Karelia at the amount of 5 billion roubles was signed.