SP SPb Transferred RUB 19 mln Environmental Programmes
OREANDA-NEWS. November 24, 2011. Within 9 months of 2011 the group of companies “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” (the group of companies “SP SPb”) transferred 19.3 mln rubles for the implementation of the programmes aimed at decrease of the impact on the environment of the territories adjacent to the port.
Major part of the funds – 11.3 mln rub – was transferred for programmes on water resources protection at the territory of the Container terminal of Fourth Stevedoring Company (part of the group of companies “”SPSPb). In particular, outer networks of storm water sewerage system and sewerage pump stations were modernized.
About 1.5 mln rubles were transferred for maintenance of storm water sewerage systems and water treatment facilities at the terminals of the group of the companies.
About 6.5 mln rubles were transferred for monitoring of the environment development, for works on disposal of production and consumption wastes and on development of environmental documentation.
In particular, the group of companies developed the project of modernization of heating facility of JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg”, within which it is planned to refuse from the use of oil-fired boiler houses and to connect heat supply systems, providing heat and hot water to the First and the Second Cargo areas of the port to the heat supply systems of state unitary enterprise “Fuel Energy Company SPb”. The implementation of this project will significantly decrease the environmental burden on the territories adjacent to the port.
Reference: “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” (part of Universal Cargo Logistics Holding) – is the largest group of stevedoring companies at the North-West of Russia. It handles all types of dry cargoes; operates by modern specialized terminals for handling of container, reefer, ro-ro cargoes, cars, metals and coals. The group of companies JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” includes CJSC “Fourth Stevedoring Company”, LLC “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” in Ust-Luga and a number of service companies.
In 2010 the turnover of the group of companies “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” amounted to 12.1 mln tons of cargoes.