IDGC of Centre Completed Reprogramming of Electricity Meters
OREANDA-NEWS. November 22, 2011. IDGC of Centre has fully completed the work on reprogramming of modern electricity meters at its own facilities as well as meters serviced by the Company.
This work was organized by the Group of Companies “IDGC Holding” in a centralized manner throughout the service area of IDGC/DGC in accordance with the order of Director General of IDGC Holding pursuant to Federal Law of June 3, 2011 #107-FZ “On the time calculation” that cancelled the daylight-saving.
In order to avoid the risk of possible failures the work was started early. Between May and August this year, specialists of IDGC Holding and IDGC of Centre consulted with manufacturers of advanced electricity meters, which allowed us to complete the work on time.