OREANDA-NEWS. November 17, 2011. KAMAZ-LEASING arranged a deal with EVRAKOR Group and leased six special-purpose vehicles of Model 577405 on KAMAZ-43118 chassis to the tune of about 23 million rubles.

All vans will be operated in Tyumen Oblast, and they are intended for transportation and temporary storage of explosive materials. This is the second successful deal which KAMAZ-LEASING arranged with its regular partner – EVRAKOR Group. In March 2011, the company leased vehicles for a total sum of 300 million rubles. Terms and conditions of a contract for such customers are developed by specialists of KAMAZ-LEASING according to the special program "Leasing for corporate clients". It offers more favorable terms of leasing of vehicles which take into account the time-frame and scale of cooperation.

Superstructures for KAMAZ chassis were made by LUKAZ Automobile Corporation which has extensive professional expertise in the manufacture of special equipment designed for operation in the Far North and has its own production facilities, warehouses, as well as up-to-date equipment.

A supplier in the transaction is an official dealer of KAMAZ in the Central Federal District – ZAO MRO Tekhinkom. The company has extensive experience on the sales market and is actively implementing financing programs "Leasing from the manufacturer”, the terms of which are among the best ones for customers on the leasing market in Russia.