OREANDA-NEWS. November 17, 2011. In October KHARTSYZSK PIPE of Metinvest Group together with technicians of PJSC Azovstal Iron & Steel Works and FSUI “Central Scientific-Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy by Bardin" received a patent for the invention "Method for the production of steel high-electric double-seam large diameter pipes for pipelines", issued by the State Intellectual Property of Ukraine.

The technical result of the invention is to provide a set of mechanical properties of the pipes due to the formation of mechanical properties of sheet metal, subject to further influence pipe process stage. The invention belongs to the production of high-electric double-seam large diameter pipes, which are made of hot-rolled sheet and used for the construction of main gas and oil pipelines, as well as the production of  hot-rolled sheets for such pipes.

Second joint application "Method for the production of steel high-electric single-seam large diameter pipes for pipelines" is currently undergoing classifying examination in the State Intellectual Property of Ukraine.