OREANDA-NEWS. November 08, 2011. In August 2009, the Bank exchanged all its Loan Participation Notes totaling USD 1.045 billion (due 2009, 2010 and 2011) for new US dollar-denominated Notes with coupon paid quarterly, quarterly, reported the press-centre of Alfa Bank.

amortisation due 2012 (“Notes 2012”). This Exchange Offer was accepted by majority of the Noteholders. Total amount of the new issue equaled to USD 840,633,000. As of now, the Bank has redeemed 62.5% of all the Loan Participation Notes outstanding after the Exchange.
Alfa-Bank (Ukraine) is a member of the Alfa Banking Group and maintains its position among the top ten major banks in Ukraine in total assets according to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Alfa Bank (Ukraine) is one of the key financial assets of Alfa Group in Ukraine. According to the National Bank of Ukraine, the Bank maintains its position among the top ten major banks in the country in terms of the total assets, and is one of the leaders in terms of retail deposits growth rate.