AS Tallink Grupp Transported 768 627 Passengers in October, 2011
OREANDA-NEWS. November 07, 2011. In October 2011 AS Tallink Grupp transported 768 627 passengers which is slightly more compared to October 2010. The number of passenger vehicles remained at the last years level with 84 275. Trucks and trailers decreased over 3% to 24 936 units in same comparison.
AS Tallink Grupp’s passenger, cargo unit and passenger car numbers for October were the following: October 2011 October 2010 change
Passengers 768 627 766 819 0.2%
Finland-Sweden 277 246 293 133 -5.4%
Estonia-Finland 370 846 356 939 3.9%
Estonia-Sweden 69 003 64 854 6.4%
Latvia-Sweden 51 532 47 372 8.8%
Finland-Germany 0 4 521 -100.0%
Cargo Units 24 936 25 829 -3.5%
Finland-Sweden 8 458 8 774 -3.6%
Estonia-Finland 10 934 8 981 21.7%
Estonia-Sweden 3 690 4 283 -13.8%
Latvia-Sweden 1 854 1 410 31.5%
Finland-Germany 0 2 381 -100.0%
Passenger Vehicles 84 275 84 229 0.1%
Finland-Sweden 10 206 10 475 -2.6%
Estonia-Finland 60 906 59 285 2.7%
Estonia-Sweden 5 423 5 690 -4.7%
Latvia-Sweden 7 740 7 354 5.2%
Finland-Germany 0 1 425 -100.0%
The following operational factors influenced the development in October 2011:
Operations on the route were ended. The ships that previously operated there are chartered out of the group.