Indian Railways Observe Vigilance Awareness Week-2011
OREANDA-NEWS. November 07, 2011. The observance of Vigilance Week-2011 commenced all over Indian Railways with a Pledge taking ceremony by officers and staff. A special function was organised at the Railway Board where Shri Vinay Mittal, Chairman, Railway Board, administered the Pledge to gathering of Railway staff and officers. ‘Chetna Aahwan’, a souvenir of the Vigilance Directorate of Railway Board was also released by Chairman, Railway Board on this occasion to commemorate the occasion and also to bring about awareness amongst the railway men on vigilance related issues.
Similar Pledge has been taken at various Zonal Railway Headquarters and other important offices of Indian Railways. The Pledge is aimed to sensitize and educate the public servants about the dangers of corruption, as corruption is anti-national, anti poor and anti-economic development. Banners and multi-coloured posters with catchy slogans have been displayed for creating vigilance awareness amongst railway men.