KAMAZ Dealers Study Leasing
OREANDA-NEWS. October 6, 2011. KAMAZ-LEASING Group of Companies has recently organized a workshop for official dealers of OJSC KAMAZ in order to increase effectiveness of their work due to the use of the “Leasing from a manufacturer” program.
Such meetings have already become traditional for the leasing company which organizes training for managers of dealerships every month. 21 dealers participated in this workshop. The dealers arrived from all federal districts of the Russian Federation.
The training program included theoretical and practical courses. The experts of KAMAZ-LEASING told the participants about the development of the leasing market in the RF, demonstrated its competitive advantages over crediting and purchasing, presented a product line-up of KAMAZ-LEASING and explained peculiarities of its implementation. After the workshop the dealers were given certificates of KAMAZ-LEASING Group of Companies.
The participants also visited the mother assembly line of the automobile plant of OJSC KAMAZ. As it turned out, many dealers have never seen before how the best Russian trucks are produced.