KAMAZ-LEASING Leased Vehicles to Stroiservice
OREANDA-NEWS. September 29, 2011. An official dealer of OJSC KAMAZ –Ufimskiy KAMAZ-CENTER – initiated this transaction. Cooperating with the Bashkir partners, KAMAZ-LEASING finances 18 KAMAZ vehicles, including 16 dump trucks KAMAZ-6522-027, a fueller NEFAZ-66062-10 and a crew vehicle NEFAZ 4208-11-13 designed for transportation of crews to the job.
Stroiservice is one of the largest companies on the market of Bashkortostan organizing civil and erection works, bridge, tunnel, road and subway building. The company plans to actively expand its fleet due to purchasing of new vehicles. Having signed a contract with KAMAZ-LEASING, the representatives of Stroiservice expressed their interest in their further cooperation.
To date, the leasing programs offered by KAMAZ-LEASING to its potential buyers of KAMAZ vehicles are the most attractive ones among services rendered by other Russian leasing companies.