OREANDA-NEWS. September 29, 2011. On September 19-23, Vienna (Austria) is hosting the 55th IEAE General Conference. Among other conference bilateral meetings of paramount importance there were held discussions between Director General of ROSATOM Sergei Kirienko, Secretary of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India Srikumar Banerjee, State Minister for Science and Information & Communication Technology, Government of Bangladesh Yafes Osman, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Haled Tukan, and President of Atomstroyexport JSC Alexander Glukhov. The discussions focused on issues pertaining to projects being currently in progress as well as on prospects of State Corporation Rosatom’s cooperation in the field of NPP construction with India, Bangladesh, and Jordan.
At present Atomstroyexport JSC is rendering technical support in construction of the 1st phase of Kudankulam NPP in India, and September this year witnessed hot run tests of equipment at NPP Unit 1. Generally, near-term and mid-term plans envisage construction of minimum 16 power units in India under Russian designs. In Jordan Atomstroyexport JSC is participating in tender for construction of the 1st national NPP. There are broad-scale prospects of cooperation between Russia and Bangladesh in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy. Signing a relevant intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in construction of 2000 MW Ruppur NPP would foster the national nuclear engineering in Bangladesh.
By tradition, the General Conference arranges an exhibition of IEAE member countries. Atomstroyexport JSC is exhibited as a part of State Corporation Rosatom’s exposition.
Atomstroyexport’s stand is demonstrating achievements of Russian nuclear engineering, giving information of prospective NPPs and those being under construction abroad basing on safe, reliable, and cost effective Russian technologies.
Foreign specialists were particularly interested in projects implemented by Atomstroyexport JSC such as NPPs
in India, China, Iran (Bushehr NPP commissioning), NPP design in Turkey, prospective projects in Vietnam, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Armenia, and participation in tenders for NPPs construction in Jordan and Check Republic.
Atomstroyexport’s stand is being visited by representatives of countries involved in the conference, among those are India, Bangladesh, Republic of South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Argentina, Brazil, China, Republic of Korea, Japan and others. The Russian stand was observed by heads of Russian administrative entities taking part in the conference.
The exhibition would promote development of existing and establishment of new international contacts.