ISD Corporation Pays Attention to Social and Economic Development
OREANDA-NEWS. September 28, 2011. ISD Corporation pays great attention to social and economic development of the towns of our mills’ presence.
Our company’s social policy in relation to local communities is based on the Company’s consistent economic development which provides for the increase of tax payments into corresponding regional and local budgets.
We actively participate in developing the infrastructure of the towns of our presence, render support to social organizations, and initiate municipal cultural and sports festivals. We are engaged in the construction of hospitals, schools, roads and accommodation, maintain health resorts and camps for children, organize an integrated system of events aimed at improving the living standards of local population.
ISD Corporation follows the principles of corporate social responsibility in the towns of its mills presence and consequently invests into the projects of the town’s development. It led to the establishment of non profitable organization Alchevsk Development Fund in 2006.
The fund’s activity is carried out within the framework of the Agreement about social and economic partnership between the territorial community of Alchevsk and ISD Corporation.
In September
Being one of the largest taxpayers and employers of the region and recognizing its responsibility for the procurement of consistent development of the towns of its presence, ISD Corporation by its fund implements the initiatives aimed to solve sharp social issues. In particular, a large-scale activity of the fund in housing and communal sector is a unique project of such kind not only for the region but for the whole country.
Alchevsk development fund is a non-profitable organization. It has started its activity 5 years ago and it carries it on in the directions which are very important for the town:
Heat supply and water supply in the town
Reforming municipal housing economy
The project ‘Roads and city transport’
Physical culture and sports
Social program for unprotected layers of the population
Supporting educational projects
Supporting public health service
Two years after the fund’s establishment and the beginning of the social programs implementation, in December 2008 ISD Corporation has been awarded with the most prestigious international award for the best project of the year “Partnership for the Future of Alchevsk” having set the highest standard for the implementation of such like programs in Ukraine. The award is granted by USAID, the international agency for development to one of 820 towns-participants all over the world.
The award from USAID Agency for the best project of the year given to the Partnership for the future of Alchevsk is the highest assessment of our joint achievements.
It’s been due to this project that Alchevsk received inspiration which has laid the ground for its consistent development. A number of joint projects have been implemented:
The Project “Municipal budgets reform”
The Project “Economic development of the towns”
The Project “Increasing the efficiency of water supply in Alchevsk”
The Project “Network of social activity in
Besides USAID, the fund has an experience of collaboration with CIDA, Canadian agency for international development and the World Bank. ISD Corporation has given extensive financing to support the fund’s activity in 8 main directions. It has turned the town into one of the most dynamically developing towns of Luhansk region. The total volume of investments exceeds UAH 50 mln.
Key results of the Fund’s work 2006-2011
Upgrading the facilities of health care institutions. Investments amounting to UAH 7.1 mln.
The reconstruction of the chief building of municipal hospital (jointly with municipal budget).
The reconstruction of the facilities of a maternity hospital, overhaul of the boiler house in the maternity hospital.
The overhaul of the hemo transfusion station (jointly with regional budget).
The overhaul of an infectious disease ward of the municipal hospital.
Two Niva cars have been bought as ambulance cars.
The equipment for minimally invasive interferences in gynecology and traumatology practice was bought.
Upgrading educational facilities. Investments amounting to UAH 7.6 mln.
Repairing the roofs in 35 schools and infant schools.
Overhauling school №15 with the sports complex, football field with artificial turf, paving the race tracks.
Repairing the heat supply and water supply systems, sanitation in educational facilities.
Repairing the gyms in 5 schools.
The Purchase of computer equipment for schools.
The purchase of chilling and gas equipment for schools and kindergartens.
Social projects. Investments totaling UAH 2.9 mln.
Establishing Alchevsk territorial centre for rendering service to pensioners and lonely incapacitated citizens (the reconstruction of the building, the purchase of furniture and medical equipment) with the department of social rehabilitation for handicapped children.
The overhaul of the building of the office of labour and population’s social protection.
The purchase of health resort vouchers for the veterans of war and labor — 170 people.
The participation in the project of the interactive training of handicapped children. Computers were bought for 18 children and 5 teachers.
Financial aid to low budget families — 204 families.
New year gifts for school children of younger age — 3100 children.
Financing the festival for handicapped children “Believe in yourself” — 125 children.
Culture. Investments totaling UAH 2.7 mln.
The Reconstruction and establishment of the memorial complex of the municipal park "Requiem", which is a place where municipal festive events are being held.
Overhaul of culture facilities, namely choreography hall of the centre of youth and children’s creativity, musical school.
Financing the festival of young vocalists in honour of I.Alchevskiy.
Publishing the books: "Alchevsk", "Alchevskiye",”The inhabitants of Alchevsk during World War II”, “N.Solod. From the series the artists of Alchevsk”, “The Hyppocratic Oath”.
Physical culture and sports, playgrounds for children. Investments amounting to UAH 2.2 mln.
The reconstruction of the complex of sports palace for children and youth with a swimming pool (jointly with the municipal budget).
A prize-ring was bought, two judo tatami, sports uniform with the symbol of the town.
Financial support to promising sportsmen-participants of Ukrainian and international competitions in gymnastics, sailing, box and kickboxing.
There are 32 children’s playgrounds in the yards of houses.
The program “Roads, municipal transport”. Investments amounting to UAH 8.1 mln.
Two automatic traffic lights have been installed at main cross-roads of the city.
The systems of the outdoor illumination in the town had been repaired with the substitution of mercury lamps with energy-efficient lamps (650 units).
The excavator “ATEK” had been purchased and the tractor with the mill for repairing the roads.
400 drain covers have been purchased and fixed.
Key and minor roads and pavements have been repaired.
The replacement of
Reforming the housing and utilities infrastructure. Investments amounting to UAH 10.8 mln
4 dump trucks have been bought for collecting and removing oversize junk.
The functioning of 19 elevators has been restored.
The roofs in 58 houses of the dwelling stock have been repaired.
The overhaul of the internal systems of cold water supply was performed in 47 houses.
100 electricity supply meters have been installed in municipal housing stock.
The overhaul of internal heating systems was done in 39 dwelling houses.
Heat supply and water supply in the town. Investments amounting to UAH 11.9 mln.
The purchase of multipurpose fittings for heating lines.
Repair of the boiler PTVM-
The overhaul of heating lines with the total length exceeding
The construction of the new water pipe-line of Druzhba road —
The overhaul of the water supply system with the substitution of the metal pipe for a polymeric pipe, the length exceeds