OREANDA-NEWS. September 15, 2011. Britain and Russia showcased the results of bi-lateral cooperation in innovation at the event jointly organized by RUSNANO and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI). The event took place as part of the official program for the British business delegation led by the British Prime Minister David Cameron.
RUSNANO CEO Anatoly Chubais, the UK Minister of State for Trade and Investment Lord Stephen Green, and Plastic Logic CEO Indro Mukerjee launched the first mass-produced product based on plastic electronics—Plastic Logic 100 for Education—an electronic textbook designed to meet the learning needs of students and the educational needs of teachers. The plastic screen of the e-reader is shatterproof, giving it significant advantage over all other electronic books, which have displays made on glass substrate.
Lord Green speaks about the potential of the cooperation in innovations between UK and Russia. From left to right: General Director of the Moscow Planetarium Andrey Bordunov, the UK Minister of State for Trade and Investment Lord Stephen Green, RUSNANO CEO Anatoly Chubais, and Plastic Logic CEO Indro Mukerjee.
Revolutionary technology developed by British company Plastic Logic permits the manufacturing of electronic components using plastic semiconductors. This paves the way for principally new products and applications that were unthinkable with silicon technology.
RUSNANO CEO Anatoly Chubais and Plastic Logic CEO Indro Mukerjee demonstrate the electronic textbook with plastic screen.
The launch event took place at the Moscow Planetarium, Moscow’s landmark recently revived with the help of another British innovative company, Global Immersion.
As part of today’s visit programme also came the announcement that RUSNANO and a British investment fund Celtic Pharma, a specialist in biotech and pharmaceutical projects, have created an new international biopharmaceutical company, Pro Bono Bio. The new company is to be headquartered in Moscow and London.