OREANDA-NEWS. September 14, 2011. Belarus’ international reserves went up 10.2% in January-August 2011 to USD 4.604 billion as of September 1, 2011 by the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standards, according to National Bank of Belarus (NBB).
As of September 1, foreign currency reserve assets amounted to USD 1.796 billion, 22.9% up on the month, the amount of monetary gold reached the equivalent of USD 1.803 billion, up 9.5%, and other assets were at USD 382.4 million, down 13.9%.
Special drawing rights were at USD 622.8 million as of September 1, 2011, up 0.6% on the month. Belarus’ IMF reserve position is at USD 0 million, showing no change.
Since early this year Belarus’ international reserves shrank by USD 426 million (8.5%) by the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standards.
In 2010, Belarus’ reserves went down by USD 621.8 million, or 11%, to USD 5.031 billion. In 2011, international reserves are projected to rise by at least USD 1.2 billion.