Nar Mobile Opens New Sales & Services Centre
OREANDA-NEWS. September 14, 2011. Today Azerfon has conducted ceremony of opening Nar Dunyasi sales & services centre, prepared on new concept of Nar Mobile brand, in Agjabadi.
The Company reports that main concept of new Nar Dunyasi store is to render high quality diverse services on single area.
Customers at Nar Dunyasi centers are able to use customer services, acquire new numbers and buy products such as Nar 3G + modems and mobile telephones. New Nar Dunyasэ sales and service center will enable its clients to test qualitative services at a higher level.
During the opening ceremony the guests of "Nar Dunyasэ" sales and services center experienced high quality services by visiting each sales area, where they got to see new Nar 3G + modems, modern mobile phones and accessories and had a chance to try 3.6 mbps real mobile internet connectivity.
There are 11 "Nar Dunyasэ” sales and service centers already been opened in Baku city. In addition, similar centers are operating in n Ganja, Barda, Shamkir, Zagatala, Tovuz, Salyan, Masalli, Imishli , Bilasuvar, Siyazan and Jalilabad.