Banco ABC Brasil Makes Announcement for Shareholders
OREANDA-NEWS. September 07, 2011. Banco ABC Brasil S.A., in the terms of Instruction CVM 358 de 2002 and subsequent amendments, hereby informs to its shareholders and to the public in general the following, reported the press-centre of Banco ABC Brasil:
1) Banco ABC Brasil is a public held bank, with shares traded at BM&F Bovespa, and has been operating in the country for 22 years under strict compliance with Brazilian banking norms and rules and under the surveillance of the Central Bank of Brazil;
2) Banco ABC Brasil counts as its shareholders Arab Banking Corporation (57%) and other Brazilian and foreign shareholders (the remaining 43%);
3) Arab Banking Corporation, with headquarters in Bahrain, has in its current shareholders composition, the Central Bank of Libya (59%), the Kuwait Investment Authority (30%) and minor shareholders (11%) in the Bahrain Stock Exchange;
4) It is known via the local press that the Federal Union, by means of the General Attorney of the Union – GAU, would have solicited, based on Resolutions 1970 (2011) as of 26th of February 2011 and 1973 (2011) as of 17th of March 2011 issued by the Security Council of the United Nations Organization, the freeze and unavailability of certain assets related to persons and entities listed in the annex II of Resolution 1970 (2011).
5) ABC Brasil and its controller have been compliant with the Resolutions mentioned since their inception in February and March 2011, respectively.
6) Arab Banking Corporation is not referred in the Annex II to Resolution 1970 (2011) mentioned and was not reached by the sanctions in any of the 21 countries where it is present;
7) As soon as ABC Brasil is given science of the content of the action that would have been started by GAU, it will act judicially both to clarify the facts accordingly, and to reiterate that its actions have always been in absolute conformity to the Resolutions of the UN Security Council.
8) Banco ABC Brasil is sure that the legal measure does not relate to its activities in Brazil and, therefore, does not interfere with them whatsoever.
9) In the same way, it is confident that any legal decision that may eventually result will not have any impact on the operations and in the business of Banco ABC Brasil, as well as in the relationship with its clients.