OREANDA-NEWS. August 29, 2011. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has prepared the project of the regulation of the Cabinet of Minister "On modification in the sizes of the budgetary cattle-breeding grant for 2011" by which granting to manufacturers of grants for the environmentally pure milk is stipulated, sold to the enterprises for manufacturing products of a baby formula, in the sum 750 UAH per 1 ton. The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine today has informed about it Mykola Prysyazhnyuk.

"We have considered numerous references of regions concerning restoration of the budgetary grant for environmentally pure milk of own manufacture and have prepared the appropriating regulation. Such decision will stimulate agricultural commodity producers to manufacture of environmentally pure milk, to assist maintenance of manufacturers of products of a baby formula with raw material and filling of the domestic market by high-quality children's products in sufficient volumes", - Mykola Prysyazhnyuk informed.

According to the Minister, last year's refusal of granting the grant has led to the extremely inconvenient financial position of manufacturers. "Expenses for manufacture of milk which is used for manufacturing products of children’s and diet feed, significantly above, in fact this manufacture is based on organic agriculture. Therefore our position of principle - to support such manufacturers ", - the Minister emphasized.

The draft regulation is approved by the Government and after its completion by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food according to requirements of the rules will be registered and put into operation.