Ukrainian Customs Service Transferred to UAH Budget 10 bn in August
OREANDA-NEWS. August 29, 2011. The receipts of customs payments for August amounted to 10 billion UAH that is by 55 % or by 3.5 billion UAH more than for the corresponding period in August 2010.
During 8 months of this year to the budget is already transferred to nearly 70 billion UAH. In excess of the budget tasks to the Treasury for January-August transferred more than 2 billion UAH.
The Head of the State Customs Service Igor Kaletnik has told about it in the interview to the Ukrainian business resource.
"The Customs Service monthly is overfulfill of schedule receipts. Every day the customs enriches state treasury almost on half-billion UAH. For 8 months of this year in the budget it is listed almost 70 billion UAH. For August of receipt will constitute more than 10 billion UAH. Over the budgetary task to treasury it is directed almost 2 billion UAH. There are all preconditions that by the end of 2011 we have listed to the government budget over 110 billion UAH", - he told.
The positive economic indicators of activity of customs are provided thanks to the measures directed on simplification of conditions of foreign trade and customs registration.
"The country leaders are being conducted extremely big work on attraction in our country of investments. Therefore one more task of Customs - to join process of attraction of investors which will create workplaces and will adjust production in the country", - the Head of the State Customs Service has noted.
With a view of simplification of conditions of business dealing of the State Customs Service constantly accelerates customs supervision and registration procedures.
On the positive side that the greatest growth of import volumes has occurred at the expense of the goods of means of production. Those are used further as for production of consumer goods as for a domestic market and development of an export potential of the country.
The export of machines, the equipment and transport has increased by 35 %. Almost by 36 % - articles of food and agricultural industry goods.
The procedure of electronic declaring is entered. "I hope that soon we will pass to high-grade electronic declaring. Unfortunately not all documents can be submitted electronically. And it considerably complicates introduction of the complex program "Electronic Customs". But we suggest to enter norm that will provide possibility for the customs broker in the new customs code to submit in electronic form only the declaration", - Igor Kaletnik emphasized.