Smolenskenergo Increased Revenue from Sale of Additional Services
OREANDA-NEWS. August 22, 2011. For seven months of 2011 IDGC of Center - Smolenskenergo division increased revenue from additional services sale by 13% compared to the same period last year and it amounted to 119.14 million rubles. The division concluded 5201 contracts for provision of additional services that 1864 contracts more than seven months of last year.
Smolenskenergo provides a wide range of additional services, but the promising direction of development of additional services continues to be replacement, installation and connection inspection of metering devices. During the reporting period in this direction 4721 contracts were entered for the amount of 3.8 million rubles.
Contracts on provision of services for maintenance and repair of street lighting networks are being concluded.
There is a demand for operational and technical control and maintenance of electrical networks: for the reporting period 78 applications for test and inspection of high-voltage equipment, 3 applications electrical protection devices and 92 applications for network removal from the territory of development were received.
"Smolenskenergo provides additional services to clients starting from II Q 2009. Specialists of the division assisted in preparation of documents and obtaining approvals, perform repairs, maintenance and commissioning of electrical equipment, testing and inspection of high voltage equipment, electrical protection devices, advising on the design and construction of external power supply systems. Today, additional services are a promising activity for all categories of consumers ", - said Head of customer relations Office, Alexander Voytsekhovsky.