ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. Employees Take Part in Nuckids Project
OREANDA-NEWS. August 18,
This is the third time that Rosatom State Corporation has organized the Nuclear Kids (Nuckids) project. Its participants are the children of Russian and foreign nuclear companies’ employees. Their task has included putting together a professional musical within 30 days, under the guidance of a star team of directors and teachers.
This year, children of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. employees – Yekaterina Senotrusova (JSC PIMCU, Krasnokamensk), Alexander Kryukov (JSC Khiagda, Chita), and Alina Skryabina (JSC Atomredmetzoloto, Moscow) – attended the camp and took part in the project for the first time. In total, during the 2011 auditions 73 participants from 20 cities in Russia were chosen, in addition to children whose parents work in nuclear companies in the Ukraine, Bulgaria, India and Vietnam.
ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. plans to further participate in developing the Nuckids project.