Glonass from Kamaz-Leasing Will Help Do Business
OREANDA-NEWS. August 15, 2011. Since the 1st of August, the group has been equipping all leased vehicles with navigation devices using Russian navigation systems (GLONASS).
Satellite navigation used in KAMAZ vehicles will enable customers to increase efficiency of their business as they can control how a vehicle follows a planned route, monitor its actual kilometrage, fuel consumption, and speed. Almost from the first days of operation, an installed monitoring system can detect regular periods of downtime and workers’ non-coordination which helps make more effective management decisions.
Satellite navigation in KAMAZ vehicles is not just an option which can be chosen by a client, but execution of a decision of
According to a draft law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences published at the website of the Russian Economic Development Ministry, commercial vehicles and trucks operated in
Official checkup of a vehicle will include not also inspection for conformance to requirements of road safety standard acts, but also tests for compliance with navigation requirements. Also, a vehicle will be checked for an installed satellite navigation GLONASS or GPS device, if such equipment is provided for by law.
But, already today, municipal authorities require to install GLONASS systems when concluding contracts for transportation of passengers and cargoes or when working on construction projects financed by the state budget. Major oil and gas companies do not enter into contracts with contractors whose vehicles are not equipped with a satellite monitoring system.
The company has already announced the names of organizations which will install equipment on KAMAZ vehicles. A tender announced by KAMAZ-LEASING Group of Companies was won by two of companies from Chelny – Proffit-consulting and Kvantor – and Moscow`s M2M telematics. All of them were tested in Research and Development Center of OJSC KAMAZ and were given access to work.
According to managers of KAMAZ-LEASING Group of Companies, the use of original GLONASS systems from official suppliers will help customers to avoid additional costs and more successfully conduct their business due to nonstop control of their vehicles and staff. All devices of the GLONASS navigation system are certified and can be served along with other types of equipment in automobile centers of KAMAZ. Thus, a client won’t be able to equip a vehicle with non-certified types of satellite systems that are sold by "grey" companies under the guise of the GLONASS system.
KAMAZ-LEASING Group of Companies is one of the largest structures in